Texture Garden

Additional textures.

Six files of archived textures are now available.
Note that some of these may require the latest version of Texture Garden to be running for them to be displayed.
  1. The first textures archive contains the source for all the JPEGged example textures found on this web site.
  2. The second textures archive contains a number of textures which were designed for internal purposes. These were used during Texture Garden's development, and are released here in case they will prove of use to those writing their own textures.
  3. The third textures archive contains a textures which were originally distributed with Texture Garden, but have been removed in order to keep down the size of the main archive. These demonstrate scaling invariance and random dust effects.
  4. The fourth textures archive contains textures which are designed to demonstrate the layering and Floyd-Steinberg dithering which are now standard features in the Texture Garden. Textures which demonstrate these aspects of the program are not present in the main archive.
  5. The fifth textures archive contains textures which were originally distributed with Texture Garden, but have been removed in order to keep down the size of the main archive. These demonstrate effects generated by using filters. Many of these textures were degigned to simulate the effect of lightsourcing. Now that Texture Garden supports a wide variety of bumpmapping and raytracing techniques, these textures are largely of minor interest.
  6. The sixth textures archive contains textures which were originally distributed with a Texture Garden spinoff, Cloud Cultivator. This originally appeared in Acorn User, in June 1997.

All these textures require Texture Garden v1.08 or later.

Source code.

The complete source code for Texture Garden's Kernel (version 1.08) is available here. This release has been made mainly to assist those interested in creating Texture Garden extensions.

tim@tt1.org | http://texturegarden.com/