Information about the original RISC OS version follows:
Texture Garden generates textures using a wide range of techniques.
Its features include:
- Support for:
- Seamless tesselation;
- Bump mapping with multiple light sources;
- Three-dimensional solid texture carving;
- Extensive anti-aliasing;
- Twenty-four bit colour;
- Dynamic resizing of textures;
- Multi-layered textures;
- Native Floyd-Steinberg dithering;
- Texture animation.
- Genetic methods are used to seed the textures, enabling:
- Breeding of individual textures;
- Variable mutation rates;
- Cultural transmission of texture palettes;
- Sexual recombination.
The algorithms it uses include:
- Inverse two dimensional fast-fourier-transforms of filtered noise;
- Ray-tracing with multiple light sources using Gouraud and Phong shading;
- Cumulative distortion producing a wide variety of marbling effects.
All the backgrounds on this site were prepared using Texture Garden.
Texture Garden is at its best when running on a StrongARM processor.
Texture Garden for RISC OS has reached version 1.14.
This version was released on the 4th of September 1998.
You can click here to download the Freeware version...
...here for documentation relating to the program...
...here for some relevant news...
...here for a snapshot of ZapTexture displaying the language...
...here to find out about extra textures and source code...
...here for snapshots of Texture Garden in action...